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Eng. Mohamad Tarhini

An engineer by education, a project manager by training and an entrepreneur by profession, Mohamad Tarhini brings 15+ years of professional experience in engineering and consulting, mainly within the energy, environment and sustainability sectors. Mohamad has Advised clients on assessment of their institutional, policy and regulatory frameworks for various types of projects including municipal services, waste management, infrastructure development and policies. Mr. Tarhini holds a European master’s degree in project management of energy & environment engineering from Ecole des Mines (France) and Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden) as well as a Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering from the American University of Beirut, Lebanon. He is a certified Climate Adaptation Finance Expert, Project Management Professional (PMP), International Waste Manager, Climate Leader and a Global Shaper Alumni at the World Economic Forum.

Eng. Flávio Matos

Flávio Matos has 17 years of experience in environment and energy sectors, having held executive positions in an European multinational company for the design, construction, investment, operation and financial management of waste treatment and renewable energy plants. Graduation in Mechanical Engineering and Business Administration, Post-Graduation in Planning Engineering (Brazil), Master in Business Administration (Spain), Master in Engineering of Environment and Energy (France), Post-Graduation in Project Finance (UK) and Certified by ISWA as "International Waste Manager".

Mr. Rodrigo Oliveira

More than 14+ years of Sales, Commercial and Management experience in Pharmaceutical Industry and Consumer Healthcare multinational corporations, such as Procter & Gamble and GSK (GlaxoSmithKline). Solid experience in leadership and people management. Consolidated experience in managing large executive accounts. Committed and engaged to delivering robust results. Deep understanding of business impacts. Analytical and strategic business skills. Graduation in Business Administration (Brazil) and Post-Graduation in Capital Markets & International Business by UCSD (USA).

Eng. Neilton Junqueira

Over 40 years of experience in management of manufacturing systems in companies producing capital goods for drives and power generation. Graduated in Mechanical Engineering, Occupational Safety and MBA in Business Management.

Eng. Antonio Bolognesi

Graduated in Electrical Engineering, post graduated in Safety Engineering and in Maintenance of Thermoelectric Plants. Holds a Master's degree in Business Administration and Specialization in Quality Engineering and in Maintenance of Steam Turbine. Over 40 years’ experience, held positions of CEO and Generation Director at EMAE, Generation Director at CESP, Production Superintendent at Eletropaulo and several management positions at Light and Eletropaulo, also being a member of the Board of Directors of ONS and CPOS, and is currently an Invited professor for post-graduation in Infrastructure Regulation, VP of the Deliberative Council of ABREN. Developed several studies and projects for solar, wind, biomass and Waste-to-Energy Projects. Development and management of energy businesses, including thermoelectric and hydroelectric generation, alternative energies, cogeneration, energy efficiency and WTE - Waste to Energy - in the areas of business development, planning, engineering, construction, operation, maintenance and environmental licensing.

Eng. Paulo Adriano Jiurgiu

Graduated in Mechanical Engineering, specializing in Maintenance of Thermoelectric Power Plants by UFSC / Eletrobrás, Performance of Steam Turbines by General Electric (Schenectady - USA), in addition to Operation and Maintenance of Thermoelectric Power Plants by JICA / TEPCO (Tokyo- Japan). He has more than 40 years of experience, having held the position of Mechanical Maintenance Management at Eletropaulo's Piratininga Thermoelectric Power Plant, Eletropaulo's representative at GTMT - Thermal Power Plant Maintenance Working Group, as well as an Engineer and Specialist in Maintenance and Design of thermoelectric plants at Light and EMAE. Acts in consultancy for Thermoelectric Projects and Maintenance, development, environmental licensing and technical-economic feasibility studies of thermoelectric, photovoltaic, biomass and Waste-to-Energy generation.

Dr. Abdullah Sayegh

Over 42 years of international experience and co-inventor of Plantofrm Bioreactor in large scale micropropagation

Dr. Leandro Andrade Furtado

Over 10 years of experience as researcher and consultant on energy efficiency and energy generation from waste (WTE) and natural gas.

Mr. Rahim Al-Absi

Local Representative in the Republic of Iraq and client management with key public and private entities.

Inas Tarhini

Holds a master's degree with 2 years of professional experience as analyst and in business support.

Laura Abdulkhalek

Holds a master's degree with 2 years of professional experience as analyst and in business support.